What’s worse than back hair? Back acne. If you’re avoiding that much anticipated day at the beach because you’re embarrassed by back blemishes like acne, it might be time to take matters into your own hands with a back facial. From providing relaxation to helping give you back the self-esteem you deserve, this article will discuss the 3 main benefits of back facials.
- Relaxation
“I hate back massages.” Said noone ever. If you’re like virtually every person who enjoys a nice massage, a back facial is the right thing for you. With a combination of massage and skin exfoliating techniques, back facials provide the perfect balance of relaxation with… well, relaxation!
- Exfoliation
As one of the leading culprits to the dreaded back acne, clogged poors have got to go. However, during a back facial, a combination of astringents, clay masks, scrubs, and cleansers will be added to your back, providing you with a clearer complexion and helping to get rid of those unwanted blemishes.
- Hydration
As another added culprit to back acne, dry skin leads to the production of more oil, which in return leads to the production of more acne. However, by steaming and adding a combination of massage with moisturizers, your back will be more hydrated than ever.
- Hard to Reach Places
Yes, it might sound disgusting, but much like with a traditional facial, aestheticians can pop back pimples that are causing you pain or discomfort, in an effort to completely rid your back of these targeted skin problems. By either using their hands or a pimple-extracting device, the aesthetician will remove the skin blemishes in a manner that won’t cause the acne to spread elsewhere.
Relaxation, exfoliation, hydration, and blemish reduction are the four main components that make getting a back facial well worth it–not to mention just spending the afternoon at the spa. If you’ve never tried a back facial but are interested in the benefits of the relaxation procedure, schedule an appointment today!