With media giving us constant updates about Hollywood celebrities, it has become too easy to notice the changes in Kim Kardashian’s face throughout the years. The reality star has had photographs of her with baby hair on her forehead and a much lower hairline during her first years hitting the headlines. However, a lot has changed in her since then.
Her secret? Laser hair removal.
Laser hair removal is the non-invasive treatment responsible for the removal of baby hair from the front of Kim’s hairline. Although hair surrounding the hairline and in the face, as well as in other parts of the body, like the armpits, legs, and arms, can be effectively removed through waxing; laser treatment is a more permanent and more satisfying form of hair removal.
Using laser to a flawless you!
Laser hair removal done in the hairline, like Kim’s, is a rare case, but possible. Just like most celebrities, laser hair removal is also sought by more and more patients in Los Angeles because it is a straightforward, non-invasive procedure. The power of laser technology can permanently remove hair in at least four to six sessions. What’s more is that laser hair removal comes with a really quick recovery time. For celebrities and individuals who can’t afford to spend too much time recovering from treatment, laser hair removal is indeed a good way to go.
Moreover, the procedure only causes minimal discomfort as laser light pulses pass down through the hair follicle. This technology works in a way that no damage is done to the rest of the body. Being a popular treatment among celebrities, you are assured that laser hair removal is a safe, quick, and effective procedure that even YOU can experience!
Laser hair removal in Los Angeles
You too can have a flawless face like Kim Kardashian! Book an appointment with Los Feliz MedSpa by calling us today at 323-664-0186 and experience the wonders of laser hair removal.