Although they are sometimes confused thanks to similar results, chemical peels and microdermabrasion are actually very, very different. Not only are they used to treat different levels of skin, but they use completely different techniques. The Los Feliz MedSpa offers these two treatments to exfoliate, and we can help you decide which treatment is right for you!
After reading this blog,you will be able to tell the difference a little better and will be well on your way to being an exfoliation expert!
The name of this treatment is full of key words. First, we have “micro.” Although microdermabrasion can cause some serious exfoliation, “micro” means small. Although it usually refers to the fact that the skin is sanded by tiny, rough balls, you can also think of it as meaning that the exfoliation does not go quite as deep as it does with a chemical peel.
The second key is “abrasion.” We already mentioned above that here exfoliation happens by rubbing the skin with a sandpaper-like gel. It’s not painful at all, and leaves your face with a light tingly sensation afterward. It is light and very superficial, meaning you can get up and about with little to no downtime.
Chemical Peels
There are a variety of chemical peels available at The Los Feliz MedSpa, and each of them offer a different depth and strength. Because of this, chemical peels affect your skin much more than with microdermabrasion. The exfoliation result is the same, but with a chemical peel, the results are deeper.
Some people worry that chemical peels actually damage or thin the skin. This is not true. While this treatment does require more downtime than microdermabrasion, this is just for minor situations. Your skin heals fast enough, and you will be able to have another peel in just a few weeks.
If you’re still confused as to which you want, there is so much more information to be had. Consult the internet, your friends, and most importantly, your skin care professional. Your doctor or someone here at The Los Feliz MedSpa will be able to guide you through your exfoliation journey. No matter what procedure you choose, soon your face will be smooth and soft. LIKE us on Facebook to stay current on Promotions, Giveaways and News at The Los Feliz MedSpa. Call us to schedule a complimentary consultation at (323)664-0186.