What Can IPL Do for You?

Sun damage, acne, and aging are all nightmares on the skin—especially when they're combined together. Redness, brown spots, wrinkles, and freckles all mar your otherwise beautiful face. If you've spent a lot of time outdoors in the elements throughout your life or are suffering from severe adult acne or other [...]

2015-01-30T08:31:44+00:00January 30th, 2015|

IPL Photofacial – How Effective Is It?

Having an uneven skin tone can mar your facial beauty. Much of the time, others won't even notice it, but you will. Knowing your skin tone is not consistent can have a negative effect on your self-confidence—even if you know that other people don't care. Don't let it stop you [...]

2014-12-30T08:28:02+00:00December 30th, 2014|

Look Younger for the Holidays!

The holiday season is just around the corner. Before we know it, we’re already exchanging gifts with our friends and loved ones in festive parties and soirees. Well, don’t just wait for that time to come. Prepare for the occasion by doing something about your aging skin. You certainly would [...]

2014-10-10T00:01:04+00:00October 10th, 2014|

Know What IPL Photofacial Does to Your Skin

There are already various facial rejuvenation procedures available that it may seem hard to find the best treatment among them. IPL (intense pulsed light) photofacial is one of those skin rejuvenation treatments that have grown more popular over the years. Know more about this skin treatment and why more and more patients are [...]

2014-08-22T00:01:54+00:00August 22nd, 2014|

What to Take Note Before an IPL Photofacial

More and more women nowadays are resorting to cosmetic treatments to reduce facial discolorations, visible capillaries, fine lines, and dark facial hair while overall improving their skin’s appearance. IPL photofacial treatment is one of the most sought-after procedures that have satisfied many patients over the years. If you have already [...]

2014-06-06T14:30:26+00:00June 6th, 2014|