Thermage & Fraxel together, Dr. Michel Ware Dr. Michele Ware explains why it’s ideal to do Thermage & Fraxel together .. #LosFeliz #MedSpa losfelizwebmaster2019-05-09T21:32:29+00:00May 9th, 2019| Share This Story, Choose Your Platform! FacebookXRedditLinkedInTumblrPinterestVkEmail Related Posts Thermage FLX Gallery Thermage FLX ThermaFrax Los Angeles Gallery ThermaFrax Los Angeles Fraxel Information, Dr. Michele Ware Gallery Fraxel Information, Dr. Michele Ware Thermage FLX, Dr. Michele Ware explains the new Thermage from SOLTA Gallery Thermage FLX, Dr. Michele Ware explains the new Thermage from SOLTA FRAXEL , Jonny McGovern , Dr. Michele Ware Gallery FRAXEL , Jonny McGovern , Dr. Michele Ware