Although there are various procedures that promise to bring back youthfulness to your skin, not everyone is up for invasive treatments. Fortunately, there is always the option to go au natural. Here at our Los Angeles facial rejuvenation practice, we perform glycolic peels on patients who only want to use natural products.
Skin rejuvenation with glycolic peels
The ingredients in the products used during glycolic peels are derived from fruits such as grapes, pineapple, sugar cane, cantaloupe, and beets. A glycolic peel is made from alpha-hydroxy acid, known for its ability to exfoliate the skin. It gently removes dead cells found on the skin’s surface and stimulates growth of new skin cells, giving the patient brighter, smoother skin.
Your glycolic peel treatment
We have our clients apply a milder form of glycolic acid for 2 weeks before the actual procedure to promote absorption into the skin. During the treatment, the skin will be cleaned and the solution will be applied. The solution will be allowed to stay on the skin for a few minutes before it will be washed away. It is normal for the skin to appear red after treatment and for the next couple of days. Over the next few days, the surface of the skin will peel.
Glycolic peels can be used on most skin types. They can treat several skin imperfections including acne scars and pigmentation marks, and can minimize enlarged pores.
Skin renewal has never been this easy. Get smoother, younger-looking skin today with a glycolic peel. Call Los Feliz MedSpa at 323.664.0186 and experience this all-natural treatment.